Invisalign vs Teeth Whitening: Which Cosmetic Dentistry Is Best If You Can Only Afford One?

How much is cosmetic dental work?

Certainly it depends on your dentist, the type of work being done, and whether or not you have dental insurance to cover all, or most of the procedure. Some dental health insurance providers consider teeth whitening and veneers to be optional. So a policy adequately covering your specific needs is imperative.

Dentists are not obligated to take your insurance, and not only perform cosmetic dental work they often specialise in aesthetic-centric dental work insurance often won’t cover.

Cheap cosmetic dental surgery is never a good idea; tooth damage and poor outcomes through incompetence is avoidable when it comes to dental surgery  –  you get what you pay for.

When dental clinics decide to do marketing options may seem expensive and daunting, but confidence in your smile is priceless. Do your own research as well as talking to your dentist.

Clear aligners were first launched in 2000 by Align Technology, which for the first time offered an alternative to traditional braces. Teeth could be straightened without the need for braces and wires, by using clear plastic trays, known as aligners. In the two-plus decades since, there has been huge success with this innovative solution that has treated millions of patients worldwide.

The journey to that white, bright smile can sometimes involve a lot of work. Wearing Invisalign clear aligners means they remain transparent and stain-free with extra care; otherwise they may cast a yellowing to the teeth.

Those contemplating the Invisalign option may sometimes also look into teeth whitening options compatible with their aligners. Brightening while realigning would be the most efficient way of achieving a perfect smile. But is it really possible teeth to be whitened while undergoing Invisalign treatment?

While it is possible to whiten teeth while wearing Invisalign aligners, most orthodontists recommend beginning the process no sooner than six months after realignment. Teeth are more sensitive during adjustment, which can complicate professional whitening treatments. It’s not unusual that dentists who offer both Invisalign and teeth whitening may do a deal for both.

With the tooth movement of readjustment, discolouration is likely to appear in the areas not exposed to whitening agents giving an uneven appearance that may be difficult to quickly remedy.

Giving time for your teeth to adjust without aligners will help in making the whitening process more comfortable. It will also be a much faster process since you will be evenly whitening your teeth in their final alignment.

If you would like to pursue whitening treatment while wearing aligners, milder forms of tooth whitening would work best. Good examples of these are kinds of toothpaste or mouthwashes that are specially formulated with whitening agents. These agents help dissolve surface strains, and tiny particles with abrasive properties can help polish the teeth’s surface. Activated charcoal is very useful in its fine abrasive, and health benefit qualities.

Whitening toothpastes or mouthwash help brighten the overall appearance of your smile and with them being user-friendly mild, it’s easier and more economical to even out any discolouration after Invisalign.

Whitening gels are another viable option and can be prescribed by dentists and applied at home. Whitening gels are more intense than whitening toothpastes and need the instructions and the advice of your dentist.

Ultimately, Invisalign is between about $AU3500 and $7000 (and almost $2000 more expensive than traditional braces) while professional teeth whitening by your dentist will typically cost between $AU650 and $1000.

So if it’s a purely financial decision, teeth whitening is best if you can only afford one treatment, and it’s inevitable that after achieving a stunning Invisalign smile, brightening therapies add to the satisfaction of having the closest to the most perfect teeth you can personally have.

LED Downlight Installation Can Be Finicky And Dangerous

In February 2009 when the then Minister for the Environment Peter Garrett announced the Energy Efficient Homes Package installing ceiling insulation in 2.7 million homes, concerns were raised about the potential dangers relating to insulation around electrical wiring, downlights, proper training for installers and other related issues that were not addressed until March 2012.

The incidence of 174 house fires coupled with the deaths of installers 25-year-old Matthew Fuller, 22-year-old Mitchell Sweeney, 19-year-old Marcus Wilson and 16-year-old Ruben Barnes meant the Government’s initiative was the subject of heavy criticism and a growing public safety concerns. Fear and confusion ignited in regards to incandescent halogen downlights and their suitability for residential installations.

Recessed lighting has been around in some form since the 1940’s when Ivan Kirlin of the Kirlin Company in Michigan, Detroit hid a light source in a hollow opening in the ceiling. It had the advantage of being energy efficient as a light source because of its focussed beam, with a hefty trade-off of being relatively permanent with an essentially unflattering light angle for anything not furniture or featured. As crude as initial versions were, they have since evolved into more sophisticated light sources, with high levels of incandescence. Energy consumption, globe life span and size continue to improve.

Managing heat generation is continuing an issue with high temperatures in the roof cavity in the vicinity of loose, flammable insulation has proven potentially disastrous results. Downlights heat up very quickly, and if insulation is close by, it is easily ignited to spread through the ceiling space completely undetected by smoke alarms. Such is the output of heat from downlights they can ignite the general cavity debris of rodent and nesting bird leaves and detritus, as well as having the capacity to set fire to solid timber beams.

LED downlight installation can be finicky and dangerous and it goes without saying that it can only be done by a qualified electrician. Make it simple by using online and internet marketing services to find appropriate the tradies for the job.  Roof space holds many electrical dangers, and inspection by an electrician needs to ensure a functioning safety switch.

Insulation must have a fire rating in accordance with Australian Standard (AS1530). Glasswool and rockwool have excellent fire ratings, and are commonly used in industrial equipment because of their superior fireproofing properties.

Halogen downlights are safe when correctly installed alongside insulation in accordance with AS3999 Amendment 1 (March 2012).

Always check the fire rating of your choice of insulation prior to purchase to avoid a costly mistake.

Avoiding potentially lethal fire damage can be as simple as placing a heat-resistant fireproof barrier in the roof cavity around the transformer, or using infrared reflective coating (IRC) bulbs, which reflect most of the heat. Qualified electricians will be aware of this, as well as having the knowledge and experience to safely install.

Sciatica & Back Pain Plague Humanity: What Can Be Done

I know..! It’s 2021, we see the word “plague” and our brain processes “pandemic” or “epidemic” or “outbreak” –  but this “plague” is rather the affliction and torment; not a strain of Covid-19 for the coccyx. If you were feeling a bit Old English, Germanic or a bit 1821, you’d be saying, “Sciatica and back pain are the bane of humanity”. 

However you want to put it, it is about strain and a pain. And it’s universal at that. 

Ancient Greeks and Romans had sciatica, although it was attributed to a disease of the hip until the early 1760s. It was only then that the distinction was made between pain of the nerve and pain of the joint. Whomever those patients of discovery at the time likely considered it a great pyrrhic victory with the excruitiating agony still shooting down their leg. 

Similarly, there has always been back pain. 

However incomplete it is, the earliest surviving surgical text is the Edwin Smith papyrus from about 1500BC. Ironically, it abruptly ends in the middle of a detailed description of acute back pain.

Tantalisingly, the unknown Egyptian scribe, (or ‘sesh’) whose back pain annotation was left unfinished, was apparently subsequently sent somewhere else to copy down an older transcription instead. It could have been anything. Magic spells, legal contracts and wills, medical procedures, tax records, or genealogies; and maybe (and this is purely personal conjecture) there was a low stool to sit on, rather than a reed mat, for instance. 

Immediately into this second task, our dutiful and hapless scribe ceased his labours and promptly dropped dead. 

Hilarious, when it isn’t you; and brings to mind the Monty Python sketch where Ernest Scribbler writes the Funniest Joke in the World, reads it to himself and literally dies laughing. 

Both the scribe and papyrus were buried in a tomb near Thebes, where 3500 years later in 1862, grave robbers found the contents and sold them to Edwin Smith, a 40-year-old American dealer and collector of antiquities. Curiously, for all the detail on that papyrus, there is no mention of the last words of this sesh being, “My back is killing me!” or indeed his name.

Maybe he was called Ernest Scribbler the Scribe.

It’s interesting to note that for all the physiological detail the Edwin Smith papyrus holds, it provides no clue to what the ancient Egyptians thought about backache, or how they deemed best to treat it. There is complete ambiguity in the last sentence which gives no clarity whatsoever on whether the treatment decision was rest, or mobilisation. And no record of natural treatments for sciatica back pain.

We long ago revered the innovations and revolutionary thinking of this ancient culture, so it’s unsurprising that therein lay a most modern controversy.

By the 4th century, Roman physician Caelius Aurelianus offered plate depictions of the spinal column, complete with intervertebral disc spaces. He concluded that “Virchow’s Tumor” (sciatica), although most commonly found in those of middle age, could actually occur at any age, following “… a sudden jerk or movement during exercise, unaccustomed digging in the ground, lifting a heavy object from a low place, lying on the ground, sudden shock, a fall, or continuous and immoderate sexual intercourse.”

Ah yes; all fun and games until someone puts their back out, but and at least progress was being made. 

A century later, Hippocrates prescribed rest, massage, heat, dietary changes, and music.

It was, however, the Arabic and Turkish worlds of the 15th century that made many advances in the care of the spine. Sciatica unmanaged with analgesics was treated with cautery. 

From one intense pain to the absolute extreme, one would think. 

In 1764 and for some time after, sciatica was known as “Cotugno’s disease” which is only useful to know for pub trivia nights and having an interesting medical certificate to hand to your boss.

By 1800, physicians generally believed that back pain was the result of muscles holding a build up of rheumatic phlegm, basically caused by cold and damp. 19th century treatments commonly consisted of remedying the rheumatism via accepted measures of the times: such as relief of constipation, blistering and cupping. 

It appears that in general, over millennia, sciatica and back pain has garnered much interest and study, and overall, there has been basic little change in treatment. For both multidisciplinary pain treatment and more invasive approaches, such as spinal surgery, there is still only low-to-moderate effectiveness.

Although most will recover from an episode, in the Western world one-in-five adults will develop a chronic disability, and this statistic continues to increase due to our aging populations. The global socioeconomic impact is in the quadrillions. 

Sufferers for whom multidisciplinary and hospital care is necessary, often bear very high personal and financial impacts; and unfortunately long-term stable work ability and quality of life outcomes are still very poor.

So what can be done? 

Avoid the injury, it seems. As it turns out, however, the ancients offer much wisdom. Be less sedentary. Do your utmost to be physically supple and flexible, and develop strong core strength. Find a healthy discipline that suits you; whether it be yoga, tai chi or any other low impact, high strength activity, and embrace that choice as an integral part of your lifestyle. Make useful dietary changes; it was Hippocrates who first stated, “All disease starts in the gut” and contemporary scientific research certainly validates that.

Should you suffer an episode of sciatica or back pain, you could seek out practitioners on social media. And while you’re doing that, there’s no harm in taking that Hippocratic view toward rest, massage, heat, dietary changes, and music.

Electricians Marketing Their Business Using The Internet

They say customer retention is so critical that growing it by 5% will lead to a 25-95% increase in income. However, before the retention of clients, the acquisition plays a major part in the business operation. Marketing strategies like cold calling, flyers distribution, etc. were shown to be effective, but would require too much time and expense. Some claim that cold calling is already dead. Since consumers are now more empowered, more than 70% of purchasing decisions have already been made prior to receiving an unsolicited call from a salesperson. On the other hand, flyers distribution is still used; statistics show that 57% of people who received an addressed mail opened it the day it arrived while 5% of people read or at least glanced at the door dropped flyers. If not done properly, too many leaflets will end up in the bin with you wasting money.

In this day and age, marketing your business digitally is the best way to reach potential customers. According to 2020 statistics, over 4.5 billion of human population on the planet were active internet users. More than 5 billion people owns mobile phones, which accounts for 91% of the total number of active internet users. These figures are indicators of boundless online marketing potential.

Digital Marketing For Electricians 

Tradesmen, like electricians, are generally seen in action tending to the needs of their clients. Some may even be working from midnight to the dawn of weekends and holidays for emergency services. No matter how busy electricians could be, marketing of their business should never be set aside. All thanks to the brilliant mind of Tim Berners-Lee and his team, who launched the World Wide Web project in 1991, which was the beginning of all things digital. Now, electricians can promote their services such as security camera installation online that could reach their target market in no time. People use their mobile phones in search all the products and services they need, especially in the event of emergency, which is why the online presence of electricians is so important. One big mistake an electrician might commit is not owning a website!

Two effective ways electricians could market their business are through SEO and Social Media.

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most effective forms of marketing available today with over trillions of searches being conducted every year. SEO seeks to optimise a website by improving both on-page and off-site SEO elements in an effort to increase positioning in the major search engines for particular keywords or phrases. By focusing on valuable keywords, electricians will be able to selectively target highly qualified leads and showcase their products and services for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Social Media is the voice, ears and opinion generator of the global community in which electricians’ products and services are consumed. What sets social media management apart from other forms of marketing communication is the speed and ease with which information flows via online social media. There are over 4 billion active social media users each year, and through social media channels, electricians can make their business more visible to their target market.

There are far more ways that electricians can market their business online that have proven to be successful. It is recommended that digital marketing agencies for electricians and tradies be consulted in order to know which platform/s will be most effective for the business.

Dentists included in First Batch of COVID Vaccine Recipients

Are you struggling with dental challenges but fear seeking dental services for fear of contracting the COVID-19 virus in the process? If so, we have good news, and according to the recent news released in November 2020, the dentist will be among the first group to get vaccinated for COVID-19.  Therefore, patients who need dental services can confidently visit the dentist without fear of contracting the virus.

Dentists performing invasive tasks like dental crowns and bridges will feel protected and confident while administering their services. The vaccine is expected to be released by 2021. However, in Australia, the vaccine will only cover about 20% of the Australian population. The group will consist of the elderly, frontline workers such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, and aged care workers. 

What’s the Impact of vaccinating the dentists?

The idea of including dentists among the first batch of Coronavirus vaccine resulted from ADA working hand in hand with the office of Minister Hunt’s hence backing the inclusion of Australia’s dentists in the first batch of the vaccine. The decision aims to protect the dental team and encourage them to serve the patients across the country. Furthermore, when dentists market themselves as COVID-vaccinated, they’ll encourage more patients to seek the services.  

Coronavirus has affected every aspect of our lives, and most people are forced to stick at home to struggle with their dental issues. But the future is promising following the discovery of an effective Vaccine that reports over 90% success rate during the recent clinical trials.

Public view on Coronavirus Reports News 

Based on the report released through News Corp Australia Network, the expected vaccine release and its efficacy have excited the public. Though COVID-19 has brought most countries across the world to their knees, things will soon take a different direction. However, the discovery of an efficient vaccine doesn’t mean that people should ignore COVID-19 infections control measures. 

Biosecurity Dr. Rob Grenfell- CSIRO’S director, pointed out that the Pfizer vaccine will prevent people from contracting the virus. Still, it has no ability to prevent people from getting colonized by the virus. He insists that to eliminate Coronavirus entirely, the vaccine should be able to eliminate the virus in the nasal cavity. However, the Pfizer vaccine can’t do this.  

With that said, people must observe all set measures. They must continue to maintain social distance, use alcohol-based sanitizers, and wash hands with soap and water. Furthermore, they must always have their masks on. This way of life can only stop once everyone has been vaccinated.

Why Seek Dental Services?

Once the dentists get vaccinated, there is no reason why you should continue living with missing teeth. Missing teeth tampers with your general appearance may even alter the position of other teeth around the gap. This increases the risk, and you may develop other problems such as;

  • Tooth decay
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Jaw pain
  • Uncomfortable bite and speech problems.

To avoid all these complications, you need dental crowns or bridges. They will improve your appearance, and they are long-lasting. Restore your confidence and smile by consulting skilled dentists near you today. The fact that they will soon be vaccinated is more encouraging.

Science & Chemistry Educational Entertainment for Kids

Raising kids is fun, but it can be challenging as well. The joy of watching your kids grow is coupled with the urge to pass on value and knowledge that will help them to grow into responsible and successful adults. While molding your kids’ behavior might not be that demanding, teaching them certain subjects to supplement what they learn in school can be quite tricky. The concentration span might not be that high, not to mention that the confines of your house might not be the ultimate environment to teach your kids certain subjects such as science. With more innovative approaches such as shows, you can conveniently achieve more with less time.

While enjoying science and chemistry shows makes them more memorable, you could be wondering how you can manage it. The good news is that you don’t have to stress over it, as you can access tailored services to help your kids learn science in a fun way. Among the top benefits of choosing professionally tailored science and chemistry shows over DIYs include;

The safety

Are you concerned about exposing your kids to dangers such as experiments gone awry or harmful chemicals? You are on the right track, and with a lot of valuables to consider, it can go wrong quite fast. From your home not being an ideal science show environment to not having effective skills to pull off a fun and engaging chemistry show, there is a lot that can affect your efforts. With professional services, you get a chance to leverage their experience and expertise while enjoying state-of-the-art facilities that deliver a safe, engaging, and memorable show to teach your kids valuable skills.


Buying those chemicals, apparatus, guides to help you manage a science show, among other considerations to ensure you create a memorable experience, can be quite costly. As you strive to ensure that the shows are effective, you could also be cautious, as you don’t want anybody getting hurt, further adding extra costs as you invest in safety measures. With professional services, such concerns are taken off your shoulders, and all you incur is a one-time fee reasonably priced to help you in your quest to offer practical science skills to your kids.


Do you have enough time to plan and execute a memorable science show for your kids? Well, time is a limited resource we all struggle to manage, and the last thing you should be doing is struggling with a concern you can hardly manage while you have better options. As it is their primary task, leveraging services from professional providers helps you to save valuable time that can be utilized to engage with your family in other matters. With their expertise and facilities, moreover, you won’t struggle to develop a show best suited for your kids as they grow.

Professional services hold more advantages over DIYs. Before you can realize such benefits and be on your way to facilitating enjoyable science and chemistry shows for your kids, nonetheless, you need to ensure that you enlist a reliable and reputable service.

How High is Your ROI?

A question that has been plaguing businesses since the beginning of websites is how to ensure a high return of investment on a given website? Your website is likely one of the first things any potential client will see and so it is important for your website to look its best and ensure that it’s the right website fit for your business. For instance, if you were a lumber company catering to primarily older individuals or handymen in your area, you do not need to have tons of video or YouTube links. You can also likely do away with various animations which are more common on websites directed towards Millennials or children. Your website needs to be a reflection of your business and so having a website that does that and showcases you as its owner is an essential quality of having a website that accurately reflects the services you offer in a way that your customers will appreciate.

Judge a Website by its Cover

We all like to hear “not to judge a book by its cover” but unfortunately that is what all of us do. We do judge a website by how well it is made. Bringing in a professional web design team to help build the right website that is fit for you can be a great way to ensure that you get a higher return on your investment. Think of it like this, if your business website looks old and cheap, your clients will perceive you that way as well. Your product may well be the best product on the market, sold at the best price, and you may offer the best service, but if all they see is a cheap website, built with poor quality, that is difficult to interact with, they will simply not even try. After all, it does stand to reason that if you were not willing to put any time, effort, or thought into the website which represents your own business, why should your customer have any faith that you will put time, effort, or thought into other aspects of your company?

The Right Website for You

The right website will vary from company to company and even from individual to individual. After all, your website should try and reflect you just as much as it does your business. Over all, though, there are a couple of things which are absolutely essential elements to having a successful website and one is ease of access. Clunky websites with several or even a dozen menu drop down buttons at the top are difficult to use, impractical, and can be a huge turnoff for potential clients looking to utilize your services. The fact is, if you make it easier for them to use your website, you make it easier for them to work with your company and to buy from you as well. This is where a professional team can help make sure that your website is built correctly, advertised well, and that people who come to your website will be able to quickly get the information they need. A website that delivers all of that is a website that is going to give you a great return on your investment and help ensure that your business stays profitable for years to come.

Horse Racing Promoters Score Big

As many of us know, the equine world is full of some very big swinging dicks, and not all of them hang beneath four legs. Horseracing, to quote a cliché, is ‘the sport of kings’. The really major horse racing events, like the Kentucky Derby, Royal Ascot and the Melbourne Cup, attract princes, politicians and sheiks. These leading players star, alongside their million dollar horses, and make a song and dance of an ancient recreation and past time. So, it is a serious coup for any PR or ad agency who scores the gig to promote these mega events on the sporting and social calendars.

Horse Racing Promoters Score Big

How do these agencies reach their target audiences in the twenty first century? Digitally, of course, just like everything else in the modern age. Online marketing via web and social media is their main avenue of attack. These events have the cache to be possess both exclusive and mass appeal. Horse racing is a bit like that really. Despite being played by the rich and famous, those that can afford the millions of dollars in horse flesh and the cost of training, the gambling side of horseracing reaches hundreds of thousands of mug punters and aspiring dreamers.

Horse racing promoters score big, because of this dual target audience. They can attract the Rolexes and the Krugs for sponsorship opportunities, and they can, also, get the big beer brewers and other low brow businesses who want the attention of the mass audience of the great unwashed. The fact that just about every adult western human being owns a mobile phone, means that these agencies can promote their event to a ginormous audience. Technology has made this possible, the Apples, Googles and Microsofts have put this power into their hands.

The online gambling world continues to invest in apps and global reach. Horse racing promoters and the agencies that represent them can work hand in glove with these corporate bookmakers. The presence of these online betting agencies on TV screens, advertising their products and services at every major sporting event, is increasing the reach of these big horse racing events. The corporate bookmakers dangle the carrot to punters and say that they can improve your horse racing betting ROI. Gambling is being normalised by this high rotation exposure, children are watching it as they watch sporting events on TV. Having a bet is no longer seen as a sin in many households around the western world. Big horse races are becoming ever more popular and, perhaps, soon, the Melbourne Cup may no longer be the only horse race that stops a nation.

How To Market Remedial Massage and Chiropractic Treatments Online

Statistics has it that 61% of consumers now read online reviews prior to making a decision. Hence, it is very essential to lay out a fully functional web page, helpful enough to lure prospective customers to come and shop or avail of their services offered. The real challenge is for the service and health care industry since they are not mainly selling products but showcasing more on what they can do and the many benefits that they can bring. A good example for this would be remedial massage and chiropractic treatment websites. The need for a website that truly reflects the business is vital.

How do remedial massage and chiropractic clinics target the online market?

Browsing at several clinics on the world wide web, one can see that apart from the obvious basic details like massage sessions, forms and policies, schedules, frequently asked questions and even testimonials, it is also very noticeable that most webpages succinctly covered all the essential points from photographs, perks and promotions, or even a group of other brands offering to achieve peace and tranquility. What cannot be missed is that majority of these clinic pages provide potential patients tons of information like restoring not only balance but energy and vitality, holistic healing,  pampering and restoration, maintaining health and fitness and ensuring the benefits one can get out of remedial massage and chiropractic treatments.

Although remedial massage is defined as the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to aide in the rehabilitation, pain and injury management. Most online remedial massage and chiropractic treatment pages focused on whichever, body indulgence or restorative health, and or even both, either way it still is appealing to possible clienteles. Hence, the reason why most of these clinics include a blog featuring various health, beauty, sport and other restorative treatment articles for prospective clients and patients to browse. By providing added information, it not only increases customer satisfaction but also the web’s traffic.

Additionally, a great number of remedial massage and chiropractic treatment websites now cover fresh and unique contents almost always regularly. The need to be very competitive on ecommerce sites is imperative to get better reviews from consumers. Reviews are not only proven as the sales driving force that increases conversions, they also somehow eliminate any doubts potential customers may have about the services offered, or may help in the products and services selection. Prospective customers reading a review are already half way through the purchase.

Are Online Betting Sites Revolutionising the Web?

The first online casino popped up in 1994, online betting sites followed soon after.  In 2005, online betting is a major worldwide industry with more than $100 billion in wagers across different operational sites. The fast growth of the betting industry is attributed to technological innovation. Online betting started from basic sports bets taken on dial up connection. Today online betting can be made on actual event from mobile devices. This shift convinces people that gambling is exciting and accessible. The gaming industry has evolved over the years by applying innovation. The online betting sites are revolutionising the web. By using technology and development, the gaming industry reinvent itself to survive long term. Online betting sites around the world are applying innovation so that they will not be left behind.

In the later part of the year 2000 the iPhone offered punters the ability to use the internet for online gaming. In-play betting allows punters to follow sports game and place bets on individual events within the game in real time. Online betting sites quickly embrace the mobile technology for their digital marketing. Mobile betting bookmakers provide apps to be downloaded on the smartphone. The apps are easy to use and very simple to operate. Navigating the site is uncomplicated and potential winnings are clearly stated on the screen. The ease of use made mobile betting popular to seasoned punters. The ability to keep with the changing trends propels the betting sites to maintain profitability.

Mobile betting is a game changer, it become the future of gambling. It completely changed the way people engage in gambling by providing convenience of making bets from wherever the person is, even when they are on the move. Mobile betting apps increase online betting’s appeal with bookmaker free bets. Bookmakers are using new gimmick to drive traffic with things like incentives, free bets and bonus bets. Mobile betting is expected to reach over 40% of the total online gambling market by 2018.

Online betting sites are revolutionising the web by utilising technological innovations. Online betting sites are employing specialist to do system and usability testing on multiple device platforms such as Android, iPhone and Windows. Innovation is vital to ensure better customer experience. Interactive devices with touch change the nature of the games and the way players interact with the games. The convergence of technology combines content gambling with video games elements. This blurs the boundaries between gambling and gaming. The excitement it gives increase the level of engagement among users.

Online betting sites are introducing social gaming.  It is the integration of gaming, gambling and social media. The multi-media integration combines excitement, enjoyment and sociability. Online betting apps with gaming and social elements tap into human happiness by providing pleasure, socialisation and sense of accomplishment. Gambling type games on Facebook like Texas Hold’Em Poker have more than 25 million players worldwide. Wagering on social media replicates real-world betting behaviour. Mobile betting sites are creating tailored personal experience across all channels. Bookmakers are collecting data from consumers’ online behaviour and in-store habits to create a holistic personal profile. Personalisation platforms are fast and responsive to adapt to the fluctuating odds. Giving personal customer experience ensures they meet consumer expectation.

New ideas keep the online betting industry evolving. William Hill’s customer will soon be able to enjoy an enhanced betting experience through the use of virtual reality.  Punters can now immerse themselves in 3-D horse race and experience life as jockey. This innovative new technology will enhance the thrill of the ride to the younger audience. Online betting sites are using the cutting edge technology with the help of talented technology teams to maintain their infrastructure. Innovations in online betting sites make customers experience uniquely compelling.